Getting Back into The Routine After Pregnancy

working out with a newbornEvery new mom struggles to get back into their pre-baby routine. Being a parent is not an easy task. It may seem as though all you get to do is wake up, feed the baby, play with the baby, change the baby, and put the baby back to bed. It is a new routine that takes up most all of your day. It doesn’t change, no matter how much you want to shed the baby weight, and it may seem impossible for you to figure out how to schedule in the things you enjoyed before your bundle was born. Getting back into the routine after pregnancy is achievable, but you first have to get over the humps.

Finding Time for Everything

Mom workoutAlthough it will take time, there is a new routine waiting for you. You will discover it as you adjust to mommy-hood. At first, all moms struggle to balance baby with everyday errands. They require a lot of attention and it may seem as though your entire world is revolving around them. However, it will not take long, and you will soon be able to say that you have a new “normal” that works for you, your baby, and your partner. It takes time. It takes effort. You will soon be able to take care of your baby, do your shopping, fold clothes, sleep more than a couple hours, and even have the energy to start working on the baby-weight that prevents you from buttoning your jeans.

Take Baby with You

One of the best ways to get back into shape and enjoy the new routine is to take the baby with you. Most errands are made easy if you use an infant carrier that snuggles the baby close to your chest. You can also start to exercise with your little one within a few months of having them. You will know the time is right when they are able to have good control over their head. To go jogging, you should never use a carrier, but jogging strollers are perfect since they have the shocks and large wheels to make it easy on you and your little one both. A jogging stroller is most often something that is recommended for ages 6-months and up since babies can control their head by this time. As they continue to grow, you can do more with them, but it may also mean that you need to consider a bigger sized carrier for them. With this carrier, you may even be able to go to the gym and ride a stationary bike or join in a cardio class for moms. You just have to make sure that you do not end up bouncing the baby too much or put them in danger of getting hit.

Enjoy Every Moment

jogging with babyYour baby weight is something that you earned by becoming pregnant and bringing a new life into the world. Savor the moments that matter, and you will be able shed the pounds through working out eventually. The sooner you start the easier it will be to shed, but you do not have to stress over anything but learning how to take care of your tiny bundle. Weight loss comes to every new mom. It will come to you as well. Just be patient with yourself and remember; you can lose weight anytime, but the baby days will only last for a short time.