The Importance of Having the Right Running Shoes

the right running shoesRunning shoes are something that you see in shoe stores. If you are a runner, you may prefer to use them, but do you really know why they are called running shoes? Do you know why they are the best shoes that you can wear? The truth is, there is a lot of reasons for you to wear running shoes while you are running marathons. The Importance of having the right running shoes should never be second guessed.

Why Shoes Matter

women runnersWithout the proper shoes, you take a lot of risks with your body. A shoe’s primary purpose is to cushion and support your foot. When running, your body ends up getting jarred around a lot. This can cause hip and knee pain, plantar fasciitis, and even Achilles tendinitis. The list of potential injuries is unending if you do not have the right type of shoes for the activities that you are taking part in, and none of them will be easy to recover from. However, the type of shoe that you need for running, depends on the way your feet are put together.

Let Your Feet Decide

three types of feetTypically speaking, there are three types of feet. There is the normal foot, which does not have an arch that is large or small. Most often, this type of foot will pronate or roll inward when you are running and then supinate or roll outward. This foot type can wear a variety of shoes without risking much pain. If you are someone who has a flat arch or a high arch, things become a little trickier. Most likely, you will either pronate or supinate too far and this is where pain and injuries become more likely. In order to avoid the pain, you will have to find the right shoe for your foot.